WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, April 24th, 2020
In the middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the medical system, doctors and hospitals are extremely busy with treating patients and using PPE (Personal Protective Equipment such as gloves, masks, and face shields) at record rates. The surge in global demand for medical PPE has led to a shortage of products available from PPE suppliers. As a result of limited PPE supply, the Canadian government reached out to various Canadian companies to find a way to make more medical PPE right here in our country. Winpak recently received such a request from the Manitoba government to manufacture 100,000 protective face shields.
Despite an increased workload with supplying essential products to customers, the Winpak Division (WD) team in Winnipeg was very eager to fulfill this call to action. There was an immediate, synchronized effort among different departments within the company to find the appropriate PVC and PET films to make prototypes. This team spirit extended beyond the Winpak walls to collaboration with local vendors and suppliers, which included Sur Seal Packaging, Hillary Production Machining and MacDon Industries, to provide additional materials and labor to help with assembling all the components required for the face shields.
Winpak will be delivering 10,000 face shields per week to the Manitoba government, beginning on April 27, 2020. “Hopefully Winpak’s contribution to the battle against COVID-19 will help to keep those on the medical front lines safe and healthy”, said Chris Parker, Manager, Sustainability & Improvement at Winpak Division. “Thanks to the many people within and outside our organization who helped to make this project happen. Another outstanding job by a great team!”
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